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Split archive to multiple segments

MagicArchiver can split large archive to multiple segments to make it more convenient to transfer larger archive over internet. Please follow the steps to split an archive,

1. Open "My Computer" and navigate to the files or folders you wish compress.

2. Right-click on the file. If you need create archive from multiple files or folders, you need select the files first, then right-click on selected files.

3. Under "MagicArchiver", click "Add to archive...". 

4. Choose the archive type and path name. The default archive type is ZIP, you can also create 7z archive. 

5. Click "Advanced" tab, then check the button "Split to multiple volumes", and then enter the volume size in the drop-box.

6. Click "OK" to start creating the archive. The archive will be split to multiple segments, each segment will have the size specified.


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